
  • 商号


  • 設立年月日


  • 資本金


  • 代表者

    代表取締役社長 ショーン・ローソン

  • 所在地

    〒102-0094 東京都千代田区紀尾井町4番1号
    ニューオータニ ガーデンコート12F

  • 連絡先


  • 登録番号


  • 主な事業


  • 加入協会


  • 加入投資者保護基金



EVOLUTION JAPAN証券株式会社では、革新的で時宜にかなった、かつ実現可能なソリューションを提供することにより、我々とお客さま双方にとって、継続的な良いビジネスを築き上げることを目指します。







  • English

    Evolution Principles

    At Evolution Japan Securities, we seek to build successful and enduring businesses for us and our clients by delivering innovative, timely, and workable solutions. With this in mind, we abide by these principles.


    Many of the businesses we have now are quite different from the ones we had ten years ago, and these may again be quite different in the future. One of the key features of the Evolution business has been the capability of its people to master their domains, then adapt with the markets and shifting opportunities, innovating new approaches.


    Our achievements to date have been collaborations between our staff, group companies, advisors, and clients. EVO fosters a culture where the ideals of respect, teamwork, discipline, and relentless high performance allow us to attract and retain talented people, and where we build trust with clients through honest interaction, straight dealing, and providing results.


    EVO should be, and be seen as, a responsible market participant. To do this, we follow the letter and spirit of the laws, regulations, and EVO’s internal rules, and are guided by EVO’s Principles of Fiduciary Duty — providing products and services suitable and in the best interest of clients, with clear descriptions of the details and related fees, and while managing conflicts of interest.


1. 「顧客本位の業務運営に関する方針」の制定並びに公表


2. お客さまの最善の利益


3. 利益相反の適切な管理


4. 手数料等の明確化


5. 重要情報を理解し易く提供


6. 個々のお客さまにふさわしい商品・サービスの提供


7. 本方針を徹底するための枠組み



  • English

    Evolution Japan Securities (“EVO”)
    Principles of Fiduciary Duty

    1. Establishment and Announcement of the Policy concerning Fiduciary Duties;

    As part of EVO’s role as a responsible market participant, it is establishing and publishing these Principles concerning Fiduciary Duties (“Principles”). It will strive to conduct its services to clients based on the Principles, and will periodically review and update the Principles.

    2. Pursuing the Best Interest of the Clients;

    EVO aims to deliver innovative, timely, and workable solutions fairly and faithfully meeting client’s needs and in their best interest.

    3. Appropriate Management of Conflicts of Interest;

    EVO will endeavor to fully grasp real and potential conflicts of interest, and actively manage these as appropriate.

    4. Clarification on Fees, etc.;

    EVO will work to clearly communicate fees relating to products and services it provides to clients such that there is transparency on fees.

    5. Provision of Important Information that is Easily Understandable to the Client;

    EVO will seek to clearly and accurately describe the important information relating to products and services it provides to client as well as related risks such that clients can make their decisions based on a clear understanding.

    6. Provision of Services Suitable for Each Client;

    EVO will strive to understand each client’s purpose, needs, financial condition, transaction experience, and knowledge such that suitable products and services are proposed and provided.

    7. Establishing the Framework for Appropriately Motivating its Personnel to Comply with Fiduciary Duties.

    EVO will train relevant staff on the Principles, and as required take other action or implement other governance such that the Principles are complied with.

    Instituted February 2nd, 2018



1. 関係法令等の遵守


2. 利用目的

① 金融商品取引法(以下「金商法」という。)に基づく有価証券・金融商品の勧誘・販売、サービスの案内を行うため
② 当社又は関連会社、提携会社の金融商品の勧誘・販売、サービスの案内を行うため
③ 適合性の原則等に照らした商品・サービスの提供の妥当性を判断するため
④ お客さまご本人であること又はご本人の代理人であることを確認するため
⑤ お客さまに対し、取引結果、預り残高などの報告を行うため
⑥ お客さまとの取引に関する事務を行うため
⑦ お客さまとの契約や法律等に基づく権利の行使や義務の履行のため
⑧ 市場調査、ならびにデータ分析やアンケートの実施等による金融商品やサービスの研究や開発のため
⑨ 他の事業者等から個人情報の処理の全部または一部について委託された場合等において、委託された当該業務を適切に遂行するため
⑩ その他、お客さまとのお取引を適切かつ円滑に履行するため
⑪ 前各号の個人情報の利用目的に関わらず、個人番号は、「金融商品取引に関する口座開設の申請・届出事務」及び「金融商品取引に関する法定書類の作成・提出事務」に限り利用いたします。なお、当社における個人情報等の利用目的は、当社に掲示するとともに、ホームページ等にも掲載しております。

3. 安全管理措置


4. 継続的改善


5. 開示等のご請求手続き


6. お客さまの個人データを外国にある第三者に提供することに係る情報提供ご請求手続き

① 当該第三者における体制整備の方法
② 当該第三者が実施する相当措置の概要
③ 当該第三者による相当措置の実施状況並びに当該相当措置の実施に影響を及ぼすおそれのある制度
④ 当該外国の名称
⑤ 当該第三者による相当措置の実施に影響を及ぼすおそれのある当該外国の制度の有無及びその概要
⑥ 当該第三者による相当措置の実施に関する支障の有無及びその概要
⑦ ⑥の支障が生じたときに当社が講ずる措置の概要

7. 個人番号を除く保有個人データの共同利用について


EVO FUND、EVOLUTION総研、その他当社の親法人及び子法人等の関係会社


氏名・住所 電話番号・FAX番号 Eメールアドレス 口座番号 財務情報 勤務先(会社名、役職等)お取引情報 その他適切な業務運営を確保する必要性から、お客さまの同意に基づき業務執行上必要な範囲で取得する情報 (「機微(センシティブ)情報」を含みます。)

8. ご質問・ご意見・苦情等


代表者 ショーン・ローソン
〒102-0094 東京都千代田区紀尾井町4番1号 ニューオータニガーデンコート12F

9. 認定個人情報保護団体

【苦情・相談窓口】日本証券業協会 個人情報相談室





  • English

    Statement on protection of personal information and specific personal information

    February 22, 2024
    EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities Co., Ltd.

    We will formulate and announce the following personal information protection declaration as an action policy for customer’s personal information and personal number (hereinafter referred to as “personal information etc.”).

    1. Compliance with relevant laws and regulations

    We will comply with the relevant laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, the guidelines of the competent minister, the guidelines of authorized personal information protection organizations, and this personal information protection declaration.

    2. Purposes of Acquiring Information

    We will use personal information of customers within the scope necessary to achieve the following purpose of use, except when we obtain your consent and when it is treated as an exception by law. Personal numbers will be handled only within the range stipulated by law.
    ① To solicit and sell securities and financial products based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (hereinafter referred to as the “FIEA”), and to provide information on services.
    ② To solicit and sell financial products of our company, group companies, and affiliated companies, and to provide information on services.
    ③ To judge the appropriateness of the provision of products and services in light of the principle of suitability, etc.
    ④ To confirm that you are the customer or an agent of the customer.
    ⑤ To report transaction results, deposit balance, etc. to customers
    ⑥ To carry out clerical work related to transactions with customers
    ⑦ For exercising rights and fulfilling obligations based on contracts with customers and laws
    ⑧ For research and development of financial products and services through market research, data analysis and questionnaires
    ⑨ In order to properly carry out the outsourced business when all or part of the processing of personal information is outsourced by another business operator, etc.
    ⑩ In addition to above items, in order to properly and smoothly carry out transactions with customers
    ⑪ Regardless of the purpose of use of personal information in each of the preceding items, the personal number will be used only for “application / notification work for opening an account related to financial product transactions” and “preparation / submission work for legal documents related to financial product transactions”.
    The purpose of use of personal information, etc. at our company is posted on our company as well as on our website.

    3. Safety management measures;

    The Company will endeavor to keep customers' personal information, etc. accurate and up-to-date. In addition, in order to prevent leakage, etc. of customers' personal information, etc., we will implement necessary and appropriate security control measures as described below, as well as appropriately supervise our officers, employees, and contractors.
    ◆Formulation of Basic Policy
    In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data, we have established a basic policy regarding ”compliance with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, etc.” and “contact point for handling questions and complaints“, etc.
    ◆Establishment of rules and regulations for the handling of personal data
    For each stage of acquisition/input, use/processing, storage/preservation, transfer/transmission, and deletion/disposal, the Company has established rules for information management that stipulate roles and responsibilities of handlers, limitation of handlers, and procedures required for the safe management of personal data at each management stage.
    ◆Organizational Safety Management Measures
    The Company has established a Personal Data Manager, who is responsible for the execution of operations related to the safe management of personal data, and personal data managers in each department that handles personal data, as well as a system that clarifies the employees who handle personal data and the scope of information handled. Company has also established a system to report the status of personal data handling to the Personal Data Manager.
    ◆Physical Safety Control Measures
    In areas where personal data is handled, we control employee access to rooms and limit the equipment and other items that employees may bring into such areas, and we take measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data.
    Measures are taken to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents that handle personal data, as well as measures to prevent information from being taken outside the company, including movement within the company's offices.
    ◆Technical security control measures
    Access controls are implemented to limit the scope of persons in charge and the personal information databases, etc. handled.
    A mechanism is in place to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.
    ◆Technical security control measures

    4. Continuous improvement

    We will review this protection declaration as appropriate and strive for continuous improvement in order to properly handle customer’s personal information.

    5. Request procedure for disclosure, etc.

    If the customer requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use, disclosure of records of third party provision, etc. regarding the retained personal data related to the customer, we will confirm that he / she is the person himself / herself, and endeavor to provide a prompt and proper response. If there is a request to disclose whether or not we have an individual number, we will reply as to whether or not we have an individual number.

    6. Information provision request procedure related to providing customer’s personal data to a third party in a foreign country

    If we will provide your personal data to a third party in a foreign country and we can identify the third party to whom we provide it after the fact, customers can request us to provide information about the name of the foreign country, the personal information protection system of the foreign country and the measures taken by the third party to protect personal information.
    In addition, when we provide personal data of customer to anyone who has established a system that meets the standards as necessary for the business operator handling personal information to continuously take measures equivalent to the measures to be taken regarding the handling of personal data (hereinafter referred to as “equivalent meaures”), customer consent is not required. However, customers can request us to provide the information listed below.
    ① Method of maintenance of organizational frameworks in the third party
    ② Outline of equivalent measures taken by the third party
    ③ Method and frequency of the Company to confirm the implementation status of the equivalent measures by the third party, the existence of a system that may affect the implementation of the equivalent measures, and the contents thereof.
    ④ The name of the foreign country
    ⑤ Existence and outline of the foreign system that may affect the implementation of equivalent measures by the third party
    ⑥ Existence of obstacles to the implementation of equivalent measures by the third party and its outline
    ⑥ Outline of measures taken by the Company when the trouble of ⑥ occurs

    7. Shared use of retained personal data excluding personal numbers

    We will share the retained personal data with our parent company and affiliated companies listed below for the purposes listed below. We are responsible for the management of the retained personal data, and will be the contact point for receiving complaints.
    ・ Persons who share retained personal data
    EVO FUND, ERI, and other affiliated companies such as our parent and subsidiary corporations
    ・ Purpose of shared use of personal data
    The Company and the above joint users will handle, within the scope of the purpose of use of our personal information, the following retained personal data in order to judge the appropriateness of the provision of the best products and services with respect to the principle of suitability, etc. ,, to process various transactions, to manage risk, to prevent unfair transactions, and to provide performance management and business analysis, personnel and labor management, etc.,
    ・ Items of retained personal data to be jointly used
    Name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, account number, financial information, name of employer (company name, job title, etc.), transaction information and other information acquired to the extent necessary for business execution based on the customer’s consent (including “sensitive information”). Other data items necessary to achieve the above objectives
    Please note, individual numbers will not be shared between Group companies in accordance with the Act.

    8. Customer inquiries and complaints

    The Company will endeavor to respond promptly and sincerely to questions, opinions, complaints, etc. related to personal information received from customers. If you have any questions, comments, complaints, etc., please contact the following contact point of the Company (in writing, etc.).

    EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities Co., Ltd.
    Representative Director Shaun Lawson
    〒102-0094 New Otani Garden Court 12F, 4-1, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
    Tel: 03-4510-3352 (Compliance Department)
    Business hours: 9:00 – 17:00
    email: customer@evo-sec.com

    9. Certified Personal Information Protection Organization

    We are a member of the Japan Securities Dealers Association, an authorized personal information protection organization accredited by the Personal Information Protection Commission. The Personal Information Consultation Office of the Association accepts complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information, pseudonymized processed information, and anonymized processed information of Association members.

    【Complaints and Consultation】
    Japan Securities Dealers Association Personal Information Consultation Office
    Tel: 03-6665-6784

    Main Sources of Personal Information
    We collect personal information from the following sources.
    Information provided directly by customers on account opening application forms, questionnaires, etc.
    Information contained in commercially available books, such as the Company's Quarterly Report and the Directors' Quarterly Report, or information published in newspapers or on the Internet.
    Information obtained from customers through the provision of products and services

    Main operations outsourced
    Printing, shipping, receiving, or processing of documents to be sent to customers
    Provision of professional advice on legal, accounting, and other matters
    Keeping books and documents related to our business
    Operation and maintenance of information systems
    System support for preparation of payment records and other legal ledgers


1. 免責について


2. 著作権について

当ホームページに掲載されている内容の著作権は、原則として、EVOLUTION JAPAN証券株式会社に帰属します。

3. リンクについて

当ホームページからは、他が運営するウェブサイトへのリンクがございます。リンク先のホームページはEVOLUTION JAPAN証券が運営するものではございません。したがって、その内容の真偽について、またご利用になられたことによって生じた損害について、弊社は一切の責任を負いかねますので、予めご了承ください。

4. クッキー(Cookie)について


  • English

    Terms of Use

    This website (hereafter “EVO site”) is operated by EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities (hereafter “EVO”) or agents of EVO. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this EVO site. By accessing the EVO site and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions below, please do not access the EVO site, or any pages thereof. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these terms and conditions at any time without prior notification. Please check these terms and conditions periodically for changes.

    1. Disclaimer

    Information on the EVO site may contain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and businesses of EVO. These forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that may result from changes in EVO operational environment. In no event will EVO be liable for any troubles, damages or losses arising from the use of the EVO site or any information contained within it. Furthermore, in no event will EVO be liable for any troubles, damages or losses arising from the interruption or suspension of the operation of any EVO site, or from changes to the information and materials contained herein.

    2. Copyright

    Copyright to the contents of the EVO site (including but not limited to all information, brands and designs) are owned by EVO or affiliated companies involved in the operation of the EVO site. They may not be used, copied or altered without the prior express consent of EVO.

    3. Links to websites offered by third parties

    The EVO site may contain links to or banners for websites provided and controlled by third parties. As we are not operating those websites, EVO accepts no liability for any information offered at any third party website linked from the EVO site.

    4. Cookies

    In order to enhance security and to provide customized information, the EVO site uses cookies, which are small data structures used to store data on personal computers and to return information to the websites. Please be advised that cookies used by EVO do not contain any identifiable personal information.



〒102-0094 東京都千代田区紀尾井町4番1号 ニューオータニガーデンコート12F
EVOLUTION JAPAN証券株式会社 コンプライアンス部


第一種金融商品取引業務 及び 第二種金融商品取引業務

名称:特定非営利活動法人 証券・金融商品あっせん相談センター(FINMAC)
住所:〒103-0025 東京都中央区日本橋茅場町2-1-13


名称:日本貸金業協会 貸金業相談・紛争解決センター
所在地:〒108-0074 東京都港区高輪3-19-15

  • English

    Contact Information for Registering Complaints

    We will strive to respond promptly and sincerely concerning customer complaints, consultation etc. concerning business operations.For complaints and consultations, please contact below phone or in writing.

    Compliance Department
    EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities Co., Ltd.
    〒102-0094 New Otani Garden Court 12F 4-1 Kioicho Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo Japan
    Contact Number:03-4510-3352
    Operating Hours:9:00~17:00 (Monday to Friday except for public holidays)

    Please note that we also use the following external organizations and others as necessary for customer ‘s complaints resolution of dispute concerning our business.

    Regarding Type 1 and 2 Financial Instruments Business Operation

    Organization Name:Non-Profit Organization, Financial Instruments Mediation Assistance Center
    Location: 〒103-0025 Daisan Shoken Kaikan, 2-1-13, Kayaba-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo (Tokyo Head Office)
    Contact Number:0120-64-5005(Toll-free)
    Operating Hours:9:00~17:00 (Monday to Friday except for public holidays)

    Regarding Money Lending Business Operation

    Organization Name:Japan Money Lending Association Center for Money Lending Consultation and Dispute Resolution
    Location:〒108-0074 3-19-15 Takanawa Minato-ku Tokyo
    Contact Number:03-5739-3861









お客さまのお取引についてご不明な点がございましたら、弊社相談窓口(コンプライアンス部 03-4510-3352)までお問い合わせくださいますようお願い申し上げます。

  • English

    Solicitation Policy

    We will strictly observe applicable laws, related regulations and following our policies when we solicit financial products.

    We continuously strive to earn the trust of our employees, by complying to the applicable laws and regulations for providing customer oriented solicitation.

    We will endeavor to solicit investments appropriately by fully understanding the customers’ knowledge of financial products, experience and purpose of investment and financial condition and a “Customer Card” put in place for managing such information.

    We will endeavor to give adequate and appropriate explanations to have customer understand material matters, such as details of financial instruments and risk, to enable customers to make their own decisions and responsibility.

    We will endeavor to provide appropriate information so that transactions are carried out at customer’s discretion and responsibility.

    Adequate training should be provided to every director and employee to acquire professional skills so that we could provide an appropriate investment solicitation.

    We will not solicit through telephone or visit during hours customers feel disturbance.

    We will endeavor to enforce its internal control structure in compliance with the Financial Instrument Exchange Act of Japan and other relevant laws and regulations.

    EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities will accept any inquiries with transactions through Compliance Division. Please contact: 03-4510-3352



1. 対象となる有価証券

国内の金融商品取引所市場に上場されている株券、新株予約権付社債券、ETF(株価指数連動型投資信託受益証券)、REIT(不動産投資信託の投資証券)等、金融商品取引法施行令第16条の6に規定される「上場株券等」。なお当社においては、フェニックス銘柄である株券及び新株予約権付社債券等、金融商品取引法第67条の18第4号に規定される「取扱有価証券」は原則としてお取扱いしておりません 。

2. 最良の取引の条件で執行するための方法

当社においては、お客様からいただいた注文に対し、お客様から取引の執行に関する特別なご指示がない場合につきましては、委託注文として取次ぎます。当社においては、最良の取引の条件として最も有利な価格で執行すること以外のお客様の利益となる事項を主として考慮するため、お客 様からいただいた上場株券等に係る注文は、原則として国内の金融商品取引所市場に取次ぎます。この場合、委託注文の金融商品取引所市場への取次ぎは、次のとおり行います 。ただし、金融商品取引所市場の状況、コスト、スピード、執行の確実性等さまざまな要素を総合的に勘案した結果、金融商品取引所市場に取次ぐことがお客様のニーズに合致するとは限らないと考えられる場合には、当社が直接の取引の相手となる方法、取引所外売買、私設取引システム(PTS)等、事前にお客様と合意した方法により執行いたします。

(1) お客様から委託注文を受託いたしましたら、速やかに国内の当該銘柄が上場している金融商品取引所市場に取次ぐことといたします。金融商品取引所市場の売買立会時間外に受注した委託注文については、金融商品取引所市場における売買立会が再開された後に金融商品取引所市場に取次ぐことといたします。
① 上場している金融商品取引所市場が1箇所である場合(単独上場)には、当該金融商品取引所市場へ取次ぎます。
② 複数の金融商品取引所市場に上場(重複上場)されている場合には、執行時点において、株式会社QUICKの情報端末において対象銘柄の証券コードを入力して検索した際に最初に株価情報が表示される金融商品取引所市場(当該市場は、同社所定の計算方法により一定期間において最も売買高が多いとして選定されたものです。)に取次ぎます。
③ ①又は②により選定した金融商品取引市場が、当社が取引参加者又は会員となっていないところである場合には、当該金融商品取引所市場の取引参加者又は会員のうち、当該金融商品取引所市場への注文の取次ぎについて契約を締結している金融商品取引業者を経由して、当該金融商品取引所市場に取次ぎます。

3. 当該方法を選択する理由

PTSを含め複数の取引所金融商品市場等から最良気配を電子情報処理組織により自動的に比較し、より価格を重視することはお客様にとって最良の執行となり得ると考えられます。当社でこのような執行をするためにはシステム開発等を行う必要がありますが、社内で検討した結果、システム開発等を行うことによりお客様にお支払いいただく手数料等の値上げが必要と考えています。システム 開発等に伴う費用等について精査した結果、お客様にとっては、複数の取引所金融商品市場等から電子情報処理組織により自動的に最良気配を比較することによる価格改善効果よりも、手数料等の値上げによる影響が大きいと考えられるため、国内の金融商品取引所市場に取次ぐことが最も合理的であると判断されます 。

4. その他

(1) 次に掲げる取引については、2. に掲げる方法によらず、それぞれ次に掲げる方法により執行いたします。
① お客様から執行方法に関するご指示(当社が自己で直接の相手方となる売買のご希望、執行する金融商品取引所市場のご希望、お取引の時間帯のご希望等)があった取引
② 投資一任契約等に基づく執行
③ 端株及び単元未満株の取引
(2) システム障害等により、やむを得ず、最良執行方針に基づいて選択する方法とは異なる方法により執行する場合がございます。その場合でも、その時点での最良の条件で執行するよう努めます。


  • English

    Best Execution Policy

    This Best Execution Policy stipulates the policy and method for executing orders from customers under the best terms and conditions for the customer, in accordance with the stipulations of Article 40-2, Paragraph (1), of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. When the Company receives an order from a customer for securities listed on a financial instruments exchange market in Japan, it shall strive to execute the order in accordance with the stipulations of the following policy, unless the customer has given other instructions regarding execution of the transaction.

    1. Applicable Securities

    Security certificates, bond certificates with stock acquisition rights, exchange-traded funds (ETF), and real estate investment trusts (REIT), that are listed on a financial instruments exchange market in Japan, and other “listed share certificates, etc.,” as stipulated in Article 16-6 of the Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. However, as a rule, the Company does not handle Phoenix issue securities or bonds with stock acquisition rights, or other “tradable securities” stipulated in Article 67-18 (iv) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.

    2. Method of Executing Orders Under the Best Terms and Conditions

    The Company shall broker orders received from customers as brokerage orders unless the customer has given special instructions related to execution of the transaction. The Company mainly considers matters beneficial to the customer other than executing orders at the most advantageous price as the best terms and conditions for transactions. Accordingly, orders related to listed securities, etc., received from customers shall, as a rule, be brokered to a financial instruments exchange market in Japan. In such cases, brokerage of orders to the financial instruments exchange market shall be conducted as follows. However, in the event that comprehensive consideration of financial instruments exchange market conditions, costs, speed, certainty of execution, and a variety of other factors finds that brokering to a financial instruments exchange market may not necessarily meet the customer's needs, the Company shall execute the order using a method agreed upon with the customer in advance, such as the Company becoming the direct other party to the transaction, off-exchange trading, or a proprietary trading system (PTS).
    (1) When the Company receives a brokerage order from the customer, it shall promptly broker it to a financial instruments exchange market in Japan on which the stock is listed. In the case of orders received outside the trading hours of the financial instruments exchange market, the order shall be brokered to the financial instruments exchange market after the trading session has begun again.
    (2) In the case of (1), brokerage of orders to the financial instruments exchange market shall be conducted as follows.
    ① In the event that the security is listed on only one financial instruments exchange market (single listing), the order shall be brokered to that financial instruments exchange market.
    ② If the security is listed on multiple financial instruments exchange markets (cross listing), the order shall be brokered to the financial instruments exchange market that is displayed first when a search is conducted on a QUICK Corp. information terminal by entering the securities code for the applicable stock. (The market is selected as the market with the highest trading volume during a set period of time as determined by a calculation method specified by QUICK Corp.)
    ③ If the financial instruments exchange market selected according to (i) or (ii) is not one in which the Company is a trading participant or member, a contract to broker the order to the financial instruments exchange market shall be concluded with a trading participant or member of that financial instruments exchange market, and the order shall be brokered to the financial instruments exchange market via that financial instruments trader.

    3. Reason for Selecting this Method

    The Company believes that the best execution for the customer can be achieved by having the best quotations from multiple financial instruments exchange markets, etc., including PTS, automatically compared by an electronic data processing system and giving more priority to the price. The Company must conduct system development, etc., to execute orders in this way. After considering the matter internally, the Company believes that it is necessary to increase the commissions and fees, etc., paid by the customer, in order to conduct that system development, etc. As a result of reviewing the costs, etc., of system development, etc., it was found that the impact of increased commissions and fees, etc., on the customer may be higher than the improvement of price achieved through automatic comparison of the best quotations from multiple financial instruments exchange markets, etc., by an electronic data processing system. Accordingly, the Company has judged that brokerage to a financial instruments exchange market in Japan makes the most sense.

    4. Other

    (1) The following transactions shall be executed using the method given for each, rather than the method indicated in 2.
    ① Transactions for which the customer has given instructions regarding the method of execution (request for the Company to be the direct other party to the transaction, request to execute the order at a specific financial instruments exchange market, request for the transaction to be conducted during a certain time period, etc.)
    Method of execution instructed as above
    ② Execution based on a discretionary investment contract, etc.
    Method selected by the Company within the range delegated by the customer in the applicable contract, etc.
    ③ Transactions involving fractional shares and shares less than one unit
    Method of brokerage to a financial instruments trader that handles fractional shares and shares less than one unit
    (2) In some cases, orders may be executed using a method that differs from the method selected in accordance with the Best Execution Policy, due to system failure or other unavoidable reasons. Even in such cases, efforts will be made to execute the order under the best terms and conditions available at that time.

    The duty of best execution is an obligation to execute orders after comprehensively considering not only the price, but also a variety of factors such as cost, speed, and certainty of execution.
    Accordingly, even if it is believed after the fact that the price alone was not the best, it does not necessarily constitute a breach of the duty of best execution.



1. 反社会的勢力とは、取引関係を含めて一切の関係を遮断します。
2. 反社会的勢力による不当要求は拒絶します。また、必要に応じ法的対応を行います。
3. 反社会的勢力に対して、裏取引や資金提供は絶対に行いません。
4. 平素から、警察、暴力追放運動推進センター、弁護士及び日本証券業協会等の外部の専門機関と厳密な連携関係を構築します。
5. 反社会的勢力に対しては、組織全体として対応を図るとともに、反社会的勢力に対応する従業員の安全を確保します。

  • English

    Basic Policy regarding anti-social forces

    EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities Co., Ltd. is determined to completely sever any and all relations with anti–social elements, which threaten the order and safety of civil society, and to ensure the soundness and security of the financial infrastructure by anticipating future changes in society.

    1. We will completely sever any and all relations with anti–social elements.

    2. We will adopt a firm and uncompromising attitude when confronting anti–social elements, and will not hesitate to use legal means when necessary.

    3. We will protect the financial infrastructure, which is essential for our customers’ livelihoods and society.

    4. We will cooperate with external specialized agencies.

    5. We will work as one to take action against anti–social elements.


EVOLUTION JAPAN証券株式会社およびその関連会社等を含めた企業グループ(以下、総称して「エボリューション」といいます。)は、次のとおり利益相反管理方針を定め、役職員一同がこれを遵守することによって、お客さまの利益を不当に害することがないよう、また、お客さま本位の業務運営を実現することができるよう、万全をつくしてまいります。

1. 目的

EVOLUTION JAPAN証券株式会社(以下「当社」といいます。)は、金融商品取引法および金融商品取引業等に関する内閣府令の規定に基づき、お客さまの利益を不当に害するおそれのある取引(以下、「対象取引」といいます。)を特定および類型化し、お客さまの利益が対象取引によって不当に害されることのないように対象取引を管理する体制を以下のとおり構築します。

2. 利益相反の恐れのある対象取引の類型等



3. 利益相反管理の対応を要する会社


4. 対象取引の管理方法


5. 対象取引の管理体制


  • English

    Policy for Conflict of Interest Management

    EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities Co, Ltd. (“EVO”) and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Evolution”) shall establish the following policy for conflicts of interest management and take all necessary actions to ensure all officers and employees to comply with the policy and not to falsely harm clients’ interest and materialize customer-oriented business conduct.

    1. Conflicts of Interest

    A conflict of interest means the situation where an Evolution’s client’s interest conflicts with Evolution’s or one Evolution’s client’s interest conflicts with other Evolution’s clients’. While such conflicts of interest occur on a day-to-day basis as a result of conglomerations of financial institutions and diversification of financial trading, Evolution shall establish appropriate business management and compliance system to prevent adverse effects from conflicts of interest within the Group.

    2. Types of Transactions That May Cause Conflicts of Interests; Process of Identification, Etc.

    The following are outlined as types of transactions that may conflict with EVO or Evolution:
    ① If EVO or Evolution may gain economic benefits or avoid economic losses due to the sacrifice of the customer’s interests.
    ② If EVO or Evolution may benefit in the form of money, goods or services other than the normal fee or expenses in connection with transactions with persons other than the customer, or in the future, there is possibility that such benefit may arise and the customer’s profit will be damaged.
    ③ If EVO conducts transactions for the counterparty who deals with the customer.
    ④ If EVO conducts a transaction with a counterparty who will be in competition between the customer.
    ⑤ If EVO or Evolution profits using the non-public information of the customer.

    Specific examples of transactions that fall under the above categories are as follows:
    ① When providing advice etc. on financing to multiple customers in competitive or conflicting relationships.
    ② When providing principal investment, purchase of assets or other transactions from the customer while providing advice on financing to the customer.
    ③ When EVO or Evolution receives a gifts and entertainment (including non-monetary items) that may have an impactful conflict with the customer’s interests.
    ④ When Evolution deals with clients’ securities on its account while having information of potential transaction of the customer.
    ⑤ When Evolution’s investment manager uses Evolution’s securities function to place orders for entrusted client assets.

    3. Companies with Requirement for Conflicts of Interest Management

    Evolution companies conducting Managed Businesses shall be required to develop appropriate management system for conflicts of interest.
    Examples of companies with requirement for conflicts of interest management include:
    Evolution company among the companies that engage in financial product trading business, advisory business, investment management business, investment business, etc. belonging to the Evolution including overseas which are determined to be applicable for management of conflict of interest by the Group’s compliance department are included.

    4. Measures for Management of Conflicts of Interest

    With the following measures Evolution shall prevent adverse effects from conflicts of interest issues and avoid falsely damaging clients’ interest.
    (1)Separating a division/company conducting a transaction with potential risk of adverse effects by conflicts of interest from other divisions/companies
    (2)Changing the conditions/methods of either/both transactions with potential risk of adverse effects by conflicts of interest
    (3)Terminating either one of transactions with potential risk of adverse effects by conflicts of interest
    (4)Notifying clients of potential risk of adverse effects by conflicts of interest

    5. Conflict of Interest Management System

    EVO will appoint a Conflict of Interest Management Control Division, and the Compliance Division Manager will serve as chief of such division. The Conflict of Interest Management Control Division will be independent from the Sales Division, and will never receive any direction or order regarding the treatment of specific cases from the Sales Division. The Conflict of Interest Management Control Division will control EVO-wide management system regarding the identification of transactions that may cause conflicts of interests and the management of conflicts of interests.



1. 社会規範及び法令等の遵守


2. 利益相反の適切な管理


3. 守秘義務の遵守と情報の管理


4. 社会秩序の維持と社会的貢献の実践


5. 顧客利益を重視した行動


6. 顧客の立場に立った誠実かつ公正な業務の執行


7. 顧客に対する助言行為


8. 資本市場における行為


9. 社会的使命の自覚と資本市場の健全性及び信頼性の維持、向上


  • English

    Ethics Code

    As officers and employees of EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities Co., Ltd (“EVO”) —whose role is to support the capital market, where fundraising and fund management in the nation’s economy take place—we are well aware that we bear heavy responsibility as intermediaries in the capital market. In accordance with the Principles in the Financial Services Industry published by Financial Services Agency, we devote ourselves to self-edification in order to maintain sound common sense and a sense of ethics, be trusted by the general public, and respond to its requirements as professionals.

    We respect each other as good citizens and reject and prevent any discriminatory remarks or harassment regarding nationality, race, gender, age, creed, religion, social status, or physical disability.

    We hereby establish the following code of ethics as a basic guideline for all officers and employees in the performance of their duties and declare our commitment to it.

    1. Observance of social norms and legislation

    We fully understand and strictly observe all rules related to financial instrument transactions, including legislation and regulations aimed at protecting investors and ensuring the fairness of transactions. In accordance with social norms, we maintain and follow social common sense and a sense of ethics that cover developments not foreseen in legislation, regulations, etc.

    2. Proper management of conflicts of interest

    We must properly manage conflicts of interest that arise in business operations. Furthermore, we will not attempt to make an unjust profit by using information obtained through the use of our status, power, or business.

    3. Observance of confidentiality and management of information

    We pay the utmost attention to the handling of information obtained in the course of our work and protect its secrecy unless otherwise required under the rules of disclosure or by legislation.

    4. Maintenance of social order and contribution to society

    As good corporate citizens, we actively take part in various social activities and contribute to the stabilization and maintenance of social order. We take a resolute stand against disruptive elements, groups, etc., that engage in antisocial activities and will never enter into a business transaction with them.

    5. Behavior that attaches importance to customer interest

    We understand the investment knowledge and experience of our customers, their assets, and their purpose of investment, and with these in mind, we always act in their best interest.

    6. Sincere and fair work that is in the customer’s interest As intermediaries, we always attach importance to customer needs and interest and work sincerely and fairly

    We do not favor any particular customer by using our power or position at our company or information that may lead to a comparative advantage. We strive to uphold the principle of self-accountability by soliciting investment in a proper way and ensuring that customers understand the rule that holds them responsible for their investment decisions. In cases where we are under contract to assume the responsibility of a fiduciary, we will always act sincerely in the customer’s interest.

    7. Counseling customers

    When we give investment advice to customers, we do so by clearly distinguishing fact from opinion without bias and making use of our professional ability. We do not provide advice based on information that has not been announced publicly, such as inside information. Doing so may affect the investment’s value according to related legislation or regulations.

    8. Actions concerning the capital market

    In cases where certain actions are not governed by legislation or rules, we determine whether such actions are right or wrong in light of our code of ethics if they are questionable from the viewpoint of social common sense or our role as intermediaries. We appropriately manage information that has not been announced publicly, such as inside information. Failure to do so may affect the investment’s value according to related legislation or regulations.

    9. Awareness of our social mission and the maintenance and promotion of the soundness and reliability of the capital market

    We fully understand the fairness and soundness of the capital market and will never engage in any action or activity that may hinder its sound development. We act with the awareness of our social mission through our efforts to maintain the soundness of the capital market. We will never engage in any action or activity that may discredit the Company in the eyes of the general public or damage the soundness of the capital market, such as failing to properly disclose information or distorting a fair price formation.









• 国
• 日本銀行
• 適格機関投資家
• 特別の法律により特別の設立行為をもって設立された法人
• 投資者保護基金
• 預金保険機構
• 農水産業協同組合貯金保険機構
• 保険契約者保護機構
• 特定目的会社
• 金融商品取引所に上場されている株券の発行者である会社
• 取引の状況その他の事情から合理的に判断して資本金の額が5億円以上であると見込まれる株式会社
• 金融商品取引業者又は金商法第63条第3項に規定する特例業務届出者である法人
• 外国法人
• 特定投資家に該当しない法人 • 匿名組合の営業者、民法組合の業務執行組合員又は有限責任事業組合の重要な業務執行決定に関与し自ら執行する組合員である個人(出資合計額3億円以上の組合、全組合員の同意取得が要件)
• 以下の要件の全てに該当する個人
1) 取引の状況その他の事情から合理的に判断して、純資産の合計額が3億円以上と見込まれること。
2) 取引の状況その他の事情から合理的に判断して、投資性のある金融資産の合計額が3億円以上と見込まれること。
3) 最初に申出に係る契約の種類に属する契約を締結した日から1年を経過していること。
• 上記に該当しない個人







〒102-0094 東京都千代田区紀尾井町4番1号
ニューオータニ ガーデンコート12F
連絡先 03-4510-3350(代表)
登録番号 関東財務局長(金商)第20号


日頃よりEVOLUTION JAPAN証券株式会社及び各グループ会社のサービスをご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。
つきましては、EVOLUTION JAPAN証券株式会社とEVOLUTIONグループ会社(以下グループ」といいます。)間における法人のお客さまの情報の相互提供のお取扱いに関して、以下のとおり「オプトアウト方式」(注)のご案内をいたします。

(注) 「オプトアウト方式」とは、書面等で情報の共有に同意いただいたお客さまの情報のみを相互提供する方式(オプトイン方式)ではなく、あらかじめ情報の共有についてお知らせした上で、情報の共有を望まれないお客さまから情報の相互提供停止のお申出がないかぎり、情報の相互提供についてお客さまからの「書面による同意」をいただいたものとして取り扱わせていただき、情報の相互提供を行う方式をいいます。(金融商品取引業等に関する内閣府令第123条第2項および第153条第2項)

1. 「オプトアウト方式」による情報の相互提供の対象となるお客さま


2. 相互提供を行う情報の範囲


3. 情報の相互提供を行う会社の範囲


4. 情報の相互提供の方法


5. 提供先における情報の管理方法


6. 提供先における情報の利用目的


7. 情報の相互提供の停止のお申し出の方法


8. 情報の相互提供の停止のお申し出をいただいた場合における情報の管理方法


9. ご留意事項



〒102-0094 東京都千代田区紀尾井町4-1 ニューオータニガーデンコート12階
EVOLUTION JAPAN証券株式会社 オプトアウト係

  • English

    About Information Sharing with Evo Group Companies

    EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities Co., Ltd. (“EJS”) hereby announces that EJS will share non-public information of corporate clients with below listed Evo Group Companies. (“Evo Group Companies”), EJS is notifying you of the Opt-Out method* in accordance with the following conditions.

    *The Opt-Out method is a method to share non-public information of clients with Japanese entities under the same consolidated financial group with the notice in advance about sharing information, until the client requests to suspend sharing the information, in accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 153 of the Cabinet Office Ordinance regarding Financial Instruments Business under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan. EJS will send written notification to clients prior to start information sharing. Among those who have received a letter titled “Notice on Information Sharing and on adoption of the Opt-out Method”, those who is going request to suspend sharing the information, please submit such request to EJS by the method described by below 7.

    1. Scope of clients to which this notice applies

    This notice applies to our corporate clients who have received a letter titled “Notice on Information Sharing and on adoption of the Opt-out Method in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act” by mail or hand delivery.

    2. Scope of Information to be shared

    Unpublished information about corporate customers, information that has been obtained up to now and information that can be obtained in the future (including “non-public information” and “special information” stipulated by Cabinet Office Ordinance on Financial Instruments Business, etc.
    *No information for which a non-disclosure agreement has been separately entered into will be shared without the prior consent of the Company.

    3. Scope of companies with which information is mutually provided

    EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities K.K.

    4. Methods of mutual provision of information

    Each company will provide information to each other by hand delivery to the recipient, or such as postal mail, fax, or e-mail, by selecting an appropriate method of transfer after taking sufficient care to prevent information leaks, etc.

    5. How information is managed at the recipient

    In accordance with the basic policy for information management, each company will manage information held as a result of mutual provision in compliance with laws and regulations, and in accordance with its own rules for confidentiality and information management, taking all possible measures to prohibit use for other purposes and to prevent information leaks.

    6. Purpose of use of information at the recipient

    (1) To propose and guide, research and develop various products and services, etc.
    (2) To make decisions when providing various products, services, etc.
    (3) To appropriately carry out management and administrative operations as a group
    When each company offers or introduces various products, services, etc. to customers, it will do so appropriately in accordance with each company's “Solicitation Policy for Financial Products” and other relevant policies.

    7. How to request cessation of reciprocal provision of information

    If you do not agree to the reciprocal provision of information through the “opt-out method,” you must request us to stop the reciprocal provision of information by, for example, sending us a notice to stop the reciprocal provision of information. If you do not object to the reciprocal provision of information, you do not need to contact us.

    8. How we manage information when we receive a request to cease mutual provision of information

    (1) When we receive a request from a customer to cease the reciprocal provision of information, we will promptly cease the reciprocal provision of information.
    (2) However, even after receiving a request to cease reciprocal provision of information, we may still transfer information for which written consent is not required under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law or other laws and regulations. Information transfers for which written consent is not required include, for example, the following cases.
    ・Transfer of information necessary for internal management and operations (compliance management, loss risk management, internal audits and inspections, finance, accounting, taxation, management of subsidiaries, and settlement of transactions) and maintenance and management of electronic data processing systems.
    ・Transfer of information in accordance with laws and regulations, etc.
    (3) Information provided prior to the submission of the “Notification of Mutual Suspension of Information Provision” may continue to be retained and used by the recipient. Information that is still retained by the recipient will be managed in accordance with the method described in 5. above.

    9. Notes

    (1) Customers who have already given written consent to the reciprocal provision of customer information among group companies are not subject to the “opt-out method” and will continue to receive information based on such written consent, unless otherwise instructed.
    (2) Customers who have given written consent to the reciprocal provision of customer information among group companies, either partially or conditionally, will be subject to the reciprocal provision of information on an “opt-out basis” by receiving a “notice of reciprocal provision of information on an opt-out basis”. In such cases, the consent form will be invalidated. In such cases, the written consent will not be invalidated. Customers wishing to withdraw such consent should contact the relevant department or branch of each group company.
    (3) If there are other arrangements (e.g., nondisclosure agreements) that take precedence over the handling of undisclosed information and other information, such arrangements shall apply.

    【Notice of Suspension of Mutual Provision of Information】
    To cease the reciprocal provision of information, please contact the relevant department in charge of your transaction or mail to the following address.
    Notification of cessation of reciprocal provision of information.pdf

    〒102-0094  12F New Otani Garden Court, 4-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
    EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities K.K. Opt-out

    November 28, 2024



EVOLUTION JAPAN証券株式会社(以下「当社」という)及び関連会社(以下総称して「当グループ」という)は、マネー・ローンダリング及びテロ資金供与(以下「マネー・ローンダリング等」という)を防止するため、マネー・ローンダリング等の防止に係る適切な内部管理態勢の整備及び当グループ内での情報共有態勢の整備を図ります。また、当グループ内の特定事業者においては、犯罪による収益の移転防止に関する法律及び監督当局が公表するガイドラインなど、マネー・ローンダリング等に係る本邦及び各国の法令並びに国際的要請を踏まえ、当グループ内の特定事業者等の態様を勘案したリスクベース・アプローチでの適切な内部管理態勢の整備を図ります。

2. 組織態勢及び対応


3. 顧客管理


4. 疑わしい取引の届出


5. 研修等


6. 監査



  • English

    Basic Policy on Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing

    1. Operating Policy

    EVOLUTION JAPAN Securities Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Group”) shall, to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism (hereinafter referred to as “money laundering, etc.”), establish appropriate internal control systems for the prevention of money laundering, etc. and information sharing systems within the Group. In addition, we will also ensure that the specified business operators within the Group have an appropriate internal control system based on a risk-based approach, taking into consideration the laws and regulations of Japan and other countries and international requirements related to money laundering, etc., including the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds and guidelines issued by supervisory authorities, and the status of the specified business operators, etc. within the Group.
    The Board of Directors will address anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing as one of the most important management issues.

    2. Organizational Structure and Response

    The Group considers the prevention of money laundering to be one of its most important management issues, and the management of the Group is personally involved in the development of the system. In addition, the Group will establish and operate a framework, such as a meeting body, to regularly share information with other specified businesses within the Group.
    Based on the identification and evaluation of risks within the Group and each Group company, the specified entities within the Group shall take the following measures to prevent money laundering, etc.
    (1) Conduct appropriate confirmation at the time of transactions, including identity verification
    (2) Appropriate customer management measures, including ongoing customer management based on the results of the above
    (3) Timely and regular transaction filtering and monitoring
    (4) Promptly reporting suspicious transactions when “suspicious transactions” are detected
    (5) Creation and preservation of necessary records related to the above

    3. Customer Management

    With respect to anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing, we will continuously implement customer management based on a risk-based approach.

    4. Notification of Suspicious Transactions

    We will report to the authorities without delay any suspicious transactions detected as a result of our daily monitoring of the transaction situation.

    5. Training, etc.

    We will provide ongoing training to enhance the knowledge and understanding of our officers and employees regarding anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing.

    6. Audit

    We will conduct periodic internal audits of the status of our anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing measures and strive to further improve our systems.

    April 25, 2024